Tips for creating effective presentations with Keynote in 2018

When we have to make a presentation in public, it is almost essential that we accompany our demonstration with some animated presentation with which we can strengthen our speech.

We have to build presentation taking into account a series of aspects that will turn our speech into a multimedia story that is much more entertaining and compelling for the viewer.

In this article, we are going to give you a series of tips that you have to take into account when creating a perfect presentation with Apple Keynote in 2018.

1. What audience do we have?

The first thing we have to do when we want to make a fun exhibition with a presentation in Keynote. We must know what audience we are going to direct, or, in other words, what our target audience is.

2. The key concepts.

Once we are clear about our audience, the following will be what are the most important concepts we want to tell in our story. These key points are nothing more than the main ideas that we want to have in the mind of the viewer, so they must be clearly expressed in our presentation.

3. The presentation should reinforce your speech, but not the other way around. 

Therefore, we must avoid reading directly from the presentation. The speakers must be the central figure of every well-composed speech. We will always have to remember that the presentation made with Keynote, should be the ideal complement to reinforce our message in the viewer, but in no case, should become the central element of the speech.

4. Use clear and open typefaces to include large paragraphs of text. 

Thus, this will avoid that the viewer will have difficulty following the reading of our presentation. The design and use of typography should be attractive, but without forgetting its functionality. Here is a website that offers free Keynote templates with clean and clear typefaces.

5. The viewer as speaker.

In every good presentation, and always after an idea that we want to emphasize, we must make the audience want to participate in our story. Therefore, we can offer questions with which the viewer reflects on the message, or even, so that it may be involved in the construction of our message.

6. Animations, transitions and other elements that complete our presentation.

This last point is usually the most conflicting, and it is that when we learn to build animated and interactive presentations with Keynote, we usually load them too. This, instead of the spectator being more attentive to the message, is tiring and therefore counterproductive. Animations should serve to maintain the same timeline between spoken speech and visual reinforcement. If we fill our presentations with complicated effects that stand out too much, we will eventually cause the viewer to be lost, and therefore our message will not become as effective as it should be.

So, once you have these six clear points for your presentations accomplished, you can create compelling presentations in 2018 with this software from Apple easily.
